Our Story
Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself!
-George Bernard Shaw
Coaching is a goal-oriented, solution focused process in which the coach works with the coachee to help identify and construct possible solutions, delineate a range of goals and options, and then facilitate the development and enactment of action plans to achieve those goals. The core constructs of goal-directed self-regulation are a series of processes in which the individual sets a goal, develops a plan of action, begins action, monitors their performance, evaluates their performance by comparison to a standard, and based on this evaluation changes their actions to further enhance their performance and better reach their goals.
Credenting Matters:
The Center for Credentialing & Education (CCE), as an affiliate with the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC), manages the Board Certified Coach (BCC) credential as a means to independently verify that applicants have met professional coaching competency standards established by CCE and subject matter experts. These standards reflect the common knowledge, skills and abilities of a professional coach. The BCC is a mark of quality. It demonstrates to the public that a professional coach has: 1) met educational and training requirements, 2) passed a psychometrically sound coach-specific examination, 3) obtained experience in the field of coaching, 4) secured professional peer references, 5) is accountable to an enforceable ethics code, and 6) has a commitment to continuing education.
The achievement of the Board Certified Coach credential solidifies the professional identity of the coach. The BCC credential is attractive to professionals who would like to provide independent third-party verification that they have achieved certain coaching competency standards. Coach Praxis is the life coach training program under Blue Ink, LLC.
Provider Endorsement:
Blue Ink, LLC is a CCE-approved coach training provider for the 60 hour course: The Academic Coach Training Workshop. Completion of this training leads to certification as a Board Certified Coach. Training towards BCC certification must be completed using a CCE-Approved Board Certified Coach Training Provider.
The Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI) has pre-approved our portfolio of training offerings, including the life coach training and certification programs. The use of this seal is not an endorsement by HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program. It means that this program has met HR Certification Institute’s criteria to be preapproved for recertification credit. Programs indicate the number of hours in contact time, and it bears the same weight as the BCC designation for the program.
Provider Endorsement: Blue Ink, LLC is an approved provider through the HR Certification Institute.