Coaching Biography
Dr. Kenneth Mitchell is a Master Coach Practitioner and a Board Certified Coach. His practice includes work as a talent development & life design coach. Dr. Mitchell has a bachelor’s degree in economics, an MBA in management, and has earned a doctorate of applied management in organizational development. He has completed postdoctoral study in survey research design. His coach training includes coursework through the Center for Coaching Mastery, the Certified Coaches Federation, and extensive study in psychometric instruments. He is recognized as a MBTI Master Practitioner and a Master Trainer.
-The Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI).
-Mental Health First Aid
-Certified Master MBTI Practitioner (MBTI)
-Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator (PMAI)
-Emotional Intelligence (EQ-i2.0)
-Board Certified Coach (BCC)
-Motivational Interviewing (Health Coaching)
-The Leadership Challenge Workshop [Facilitator]
-Relationship Education/ Marriage Education (Prepare-Enrich-Inspire)
-Character Education Facilitator (Character COUNTS!)
-Federal Grants Management
Coach Mitchell is a member of the Institute of Coaching (IOC, Harvard University). Dr. Mitchell has designed, developed, and managed federal programs in excess of $20 million from the US Department of Health and Human Services and the US Department of Education. His federal training programs have been highly rated; and, curriculum designed under federal grants have earned him The Award for Innovative and Creative Pedagogy from the Academy of Educational Leadership (2005).
Coach Mitchell manages Blue Ink, LLC, and its portfolio of life coach training programs that operate under Coach Praxis (www.CoachPraxis.net). He teaches The Academic Coach Training Workshop as a pathway to life coach certification for academic practitioners and those who work in educational support programs. Blue Ink, LLC maintains membership in the Association of Coach Training Organizations (ACTO), and has programs accredited though The Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE), and the Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI).
Coaching Adaptations and Modalities for Youth and Families
Program Design and Program Evaluation
Leadership Development including Onboarding and Transiton and Succession
Experiential Learning and Training Design
Non-Cognitive Factors and Social Emotional Development
Special Populations: High Risk/High Need Youth, GLBT Youth and Families, Disconnected Populations, Minority Male Programs
Organizational Capacity Building
Recent Presentations
The Audacious Shift: Cultivating a Trajectory for Career and Personal Success. (Black, Brown, and College Bound, March, 2022).
EQ-i: Emotional Intelligece as a Non-Cognitive Factor for Academic Interventions. (The Southeastern Association for Educational Opportunity Program Personnel, February 2016)
Male-Centered Program Strategies (The Council of Opportunity in Education, September 2013)
Cultivating Mental Toughness: Program Strategies that "Stick and Stay!" (The National Higher Education Programs Meeting, March 2013)
2010 - present
2010 - present
Professional Experience
Executive Director | The Renaissance Education Group, Inc. | Durham, NC | 2007 - present
Provide leadership and oversight to a portfolio of youth development programs funded through the US Department of Education, the US Department of Health and Human Services, and the NC Department of Public Instruction. Manage a budget of $1 million/annually.
Associate Professor of Management and Program Chair | Shaw University | Raleigh, NC | 2001 - 2008.
Provided instruction in undergraduate business and management courses and provided leadership to the academic concentration in Entrepreneurship. Responsible for academic advising, coordination of pre-matriculation program, pre-college program, and led the Faculty Case Research Retreat. Courses: Marketing, Business Law, Human Resources Management, Social Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Research, and Practicum.
Coaching Philosophy
"I've known rivers..." (Langston Hughes).
I subscribe to a coaching orientation that has been described as 'radical coaching' by one of my former student coaches. In describing my style, she said: "I would never expect a coach to challenge me, not for the decision, but how the underlying rationale was not in alignment to what I was created for - based on my own explanation of my life purpose. And then, WHO would recite poetry from the Harlem Renaissance, and at the same time, use song lyrics for a coaching assignment. Had I expected such profound awareness from this experience --- NO! I am so much happier. He changed my life!"
My response: I've been called many things in my life, a radical coach ~ I'll take that!
Coaching Mantra:
Life is not about finding yourself, life is about CREATING YOURSELF! (G. B. Shaw)