Coach Training Workshops
"Coaching is a journey of personal and professional discovery." Our evidence-based training program is anchored on an earned professional credential. The pathway to professional practice begins with a Coach Training Workshop. Coach Praxis provides training that leads to certification as a Board Certified Coach, through The Center for Credentialing and Education. Our current schedule of offerings are listed below.

The Academic Coach Training Workshop
April 19, 2021 - June 7, 2021
MONDAY | 2 - 6 PM | Online Training Delivery
The Academic Coach Training Workshop represents the integration of evidence-based practices, contemporary coaching modalities, and life design frameworks, to provide a student-centered approach for use by educational support practitioners. It responds to the need for systemic approaches that demonstrate effectiveness, reduce costs, and provide data-driven systems to work with at-risk, high-need, and at-promise youth in high school completion, college access, and retention and graduation programs. Early evidence in academic coaching indicate that academic coaching is in alignment with project strategies that demonstrate a high degree of success in achieving program specific measures.
This training workshop provides theory, models, and techniques to be an effective, successful, game-changing Life Coach. While designed for those who “serve” in academic settings, it is appropriate for those who work in youth programs, career development initiatives, and leadership development programs.
CERTIFICATION: This program is accredited by The Center for Credentialing & Education. Completion of this training leads to certification as a Board Certified Coach.
REGISTRATION: Training costs for this program is $2,750. Registration includes masterful instruction, course materials, certification exam preparation, and a blueprint for designing your program. EARLY REGISTRATION is recommended, as this training delivery requires pre-work. A confirmation packet will describe each day of the learning event, your pre-work, and information regarding accessing the online portal.

The Financial Coach Training Workshop
October 2021 - Registration OPENS May 1, 2021
Online Learning Modules
The Financial Coach Training Program is a comprehensive training program designed for practitioners who work with disconnected populations and community based organizations to increase financial literacy and strengthen financial capabilities. Research indicates that financial coaches need 1) an understanding of coaching fundamentals, 2) knowledge of personal finance, 3) communication and facilitation skills, and 4) familiarity with the client population being coached. This program is designed for life coach certification.
This training workshop provides theory, models, and techniques to be an effective, successful, game-changing Life Coach for human services agencies, community programs, and programs that serve socio-economically disadvantaged populations, including veterans integration programs. Coaching is well suited to asset building programs because clients often need encouragement and support to adhere to positive financial behaviors. Financial coaching: 1) focuses on improving long-term financial behavior, 2) facilitates clients to set and achieve financial goals largely on their own, 3) helps clients practice new behaviors and monitors those behaviors over time, and 4) targets clients with a minimum level of financial skills and experience. This training workshop is aligned with the national models of program design in financial capabilities, and meets the federal standard for financial coaching programs.
CERTIFICATION: This program is under review by The Center for Credentialing & Education. We anticipate that completion of this training will lead to certification as a Board Certified Coach.
REGISTRATION: Training Costs for this program is $2,750. Registration includes masterful instruction, course materials, certification exam preparation, and a blueprint for designing your program. EARLY REGISTRATION is recommended, as this training delivery requires pre-work. A confirmation packet will describe each day of the learning event, your pre-work, and information regarding access to the learning platform.
The Academic Coach Training Workshop
June 21, 2021 - August 9, 2021
MONDAY | 2 - 6 PM | Online Training Delivery
The Academic Coach Training Workshop represents the integration of evidence-based practices, contemporary coaching modalities, and life design frameworks, to provide a student-centered approach for use by educational support practitioners. It responds to the need for systemic approaches that demonstrate effectiveness, reduce costs, and provide data-driven systems to work with at-risk, high-need, and at-promise youth in high school completion, college access, and retention and graduation programs. Early evidence in academic coaching indicate that academic coaching is in alignment with project strategies that demonstrate a high degree of success in achieving program specific measures.
This training workshop provides theory, models, and techniques to be an effective, successful, game-changing Life Coach. While designed for those who “serve” in academic settings, it is appropriate for those who work in youth programs, career development initiatives, and leadership development programs.
CERTIFICATION: This program is accredited by The Center for Credentialing & Education. Completion of this training leads to certification as a Board Certified Coach.
REGISTRATION: Training Costs for this program is $3,500. Registration includes masterful instruction, course materials, certification exam preparation, and a blueprint for designing your program. It includes breakfast and lunch each day of the training delivery, but does not include lodging. EARLY REGISTRATION is recommended, as this training delivery requires pre-work. A confirmation packet will describe the learning event, your pre-work, and information regarding program resources.